Security governance

Trained as an agricultural engineer and passionate about IT, I had the opportunity to resume my studies to obtain a master degree in information systems engineering. Through out years of experience, I have developed a particular affinity with the quality and then the security of IS. During the last 12 years, I have been contributing to the definition, implementation and audit of the security of industrial IS and embedded in the product. First on Airbus side, for aeronautics, then in the various group entities and various means of transport, I support my clients to reinforce their IS security level by doing audit and continuous improvement.
Recently, I have also been working with Airbus to share my experience with in the international air traffic community with CANSO.
“My mottos are: there is no issues, only improvement margins and without control, power is nothing”
I use my knowledge on security governance, processes and methods associated with governance. The objective is to put in place the necessary tools to obtain results in accordance with a know-how and this in a repeatable manner.
Besides, IS security audit, change management and training are the continuous improvement drivers and path to excellence.
Contribution to a sustainable, innovative and secure future
The specificity of information security is that it is more difficult to maintain the security of an IS (overtime) than to secure it (in a specific point in time). This is why security fascinates me so much, it is a constant challenge : through my expertise, it is intrinsically innovative and sustainable.
3 values:
Know-how – Excellence seeking – Benevolence
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