Autonomous Vehicles

At the forefront of safety for autonomous transportation systems

Autonomous transportation systems, combined with electrification and increased connectivity, are revolutionising the future of mobility. But these systems also require new safety standards.

To ensure the safe, large-scale deployment of autonomous vehicles, there are many technical, environmental and human challenges that must still be overcome.

Leading the way

At Airbus Protect, we support key transportation stakeholders by addressing dependability and integrated logistics support challenges – based on over three decades of risk management experience.

We invest continually in R&D, creating state-of-the-art validation frameworks for autonomous transportation systems, as well as developing modelling and integration capabilities to create a scalable system of systems. This enables us to position our clients at the forefront of the safety revolution – paving the way for the social acceptance and adoption of autonomous vehicles.

Why Airbus Protect?

Our methodology focuses on understanding the unique needs of each client, and tailoring a safety solution accordingly. This means:

  • Adopting a multidisciplinary approach
  • Enhancing the robustness and performance of AI and data management systems
  • Modelling and simulating challenges specific to autonomous vehicles Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to Model Based Systems Assessment (MBSA)
  • Working closely with international institutions to guarantee the highest possible level of compliance with current (ISO26262, SOTIF ISO 21448, ISO 50126 to ISO 50129) and future regulations

Our offering

We empower smarter, more sustainable and safer by offering on-demand services, digital solutions and consulting to support our clients in achieving their safety and compliance objectives.

Our highly skilled consultants, experts and trainers know how to ensure the safety of autonomous transportation systems. We assist our clients in managing and mitigating risks and enhancing their sustainability. Our offering includes:

  • Exploring new architectures and technologies
  • Designing validation frameworks for autonomous systems
  • Identifying operational design domain (ODD) related risks
  • Supporting our clients to define new standards
  • Training on risk management, RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Safety) and model-based approaches
  • Conducting safety studies

Get in touch to discover how we can support you

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Modelling for autonomous vehicles

Today’s systems are more and more complex. They interact with each other, hence the importance of identifying possible flaws in order to anticipate problems and identify appropriate solutions. Modeling Thanks to modeling, this former student of Supelec detects the possible flaws of systems used in different sectors of activity to make their operation safer. An […]

Blog Serie_3_questions_1 expert_Gabin_Ricouart

Three questions, one expert: Gabin Ricouart, propulsion safety and certification engineer

In this series, we ask safety, sustainability and cybersecurity experts three questions about their role at Airbus Protect. Today, meet Gabin Ricouart, a former intern and propulsion safety and certification engineer based in our Toulouse office. Can you tell us more about your internship at Airbus Protect? During my internship, I worked on the particular […]

Blog Nicolas Blanquet, Expert at Airbus Protect

3 questions, 1 expert: Nicolas Blanquet, integrated modular avionics engineer

Meet Nicolas, a module integration architect at Airbus Protect’s Toulouse site. Tell us about your role.   I’m a module integration architect specialising in integrated modular avionics (IMA) systems. What is an IMA system, I hear you ask?  In a nutshell, an IMA module is an advanced avionics system used in the aeronautics industry. It is […]